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Please join Shall We Wine for our Wellness Series on Sunday, March 7, 2021 @ 11am CST.

This event is FREE for ALL SWW members. The cost is $15 for non-members.

We have a special guest leading us through a breathing exercise!

Intentional deep breath practices can help strengthen lungs, regulate blood pressure as well as reduce heart rate. Participants will learn about moving the breath with the body, understanding the healing benefits of the breath and be introduced to more breath practices to help destress and refocus.

Mila Marshall

I am a native Chicagoan and love the outdoors. My life is filled with excitement as I am a mother of three very active quaranteens who def keep me on my toes. Life as a yoga and meditation instructor has been transformative. I show up in my classes charged with only teaching what I practice, and that requires a lot of self truth. So with that I teach from the places that I know the best; trap yoga lets me flex my b-girl side, Sex Flex allows me to tap into the divine feminine, chair yoga and restorative gives me access to heal the hurts from life as a competitve swimmer and water polo player, beach yoga allows me to love life in open air and partner yoga is a way for me to dissolve the untruths about what I feel I am owed by others…and meditation, well it reminds me that the bells and whistles of being born in a Black body can be divine and distracting. I don’t claim to shape shift like the best of them but I am for sure clear that I am not like the rest of them. I truly believe the soul is here for its own joy and there is no liberation sweeter than that of one’s consciousness from the ego.

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