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22 07, 2024

Master Art + Wine Pairing Now!

By |2024-07-23T09:23:30-05:00July 22nd, 2024|Blogs|

Photo Credit @NkairoPhotography I am excited to share what I have been working on! I have expanded beyond the theme of my book, ‘Searching for Cloves and Lilies, The Wine Edition’ where I pair wine and poetry. I [...]

10 02, 2020

Not Your Average Valentine Gift

By |2020-02-10T15:36:39-06:00February 10th, 2020|Blogs, Food and Wine|

The Valentine Gift. Hopeless romantic or not, the aura of love season is in full effect. To tell you the truth, while hot reservations and expensive Champagne are easily fractions of my heart’s paramour, nothing beats a little thoughtfulness, a [...]

27 10, 2019


By |2019-10-27T20:24:27-05:00October 27th, 2019|Blogs, Food and Wine|

I.E.E.M. (International Event & Exhibition Management) an agency specializing in marketing, events production and public relations for the wine industry curated one of the best Italian wine experiences with its tri-city tour: Simply Italian Great Wines U.S. Tour.  The first stop [...]

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